I have recently noticed that even though there are many sites online that offer great hotel rates, each hotel stay has gotten more and more expensive. I often choose to pay the regular rate because many of the hotels that I like do not offer rooms though the discount sites, or the prices are about the same as if I had called up and reserved the room on my own. I usually have quite a few hotel stays each summer, and they are getting higher and higher each year.
The increase in hotel rates was most notable last fall when I stayed at a favorite and found it to be about twenty dollars more than it was the year before. I was stunned at the price, but because I am picky about where I stay, I paid it anyway. While a twenty dollar difference in hotel rates is not going to hurt someone like me too much, I began to feel bad for those who book weeks at a time in one hotel, and those who much travel for business, sometimes at their own expense.
This summer when I went away again, I noticed that it wasn’t just that one place that had an increase in hotel rates. Another of my favorites is now about twenty five dollars more per night than it was just two years ago. While I usually don’t mind, this time the hike in hotel rates made me change my mind about staying there. It wasn’t essential to stay, it was just something I wanted to do. I have since changed my plans. Instead of staying in a hotel the night before an event, I will simply just drive both ways in one day. Not preferable, but right now, it’s the right choice for my finances.
This pinch could cause a lot of people to change their regular favorite hotels. Though for one night it is not too big of a deal, over the course of a week, they might not think it is worth the extra cost. Though I am picky, most aren’t quite as picky as me, and they will settle for a few less extras if they don’t have to pay as much in hotel rates. Before you book any vacation, check up on the rates and see if you can indeed find a way to save money. Check out the discount travel sites, and don’t dismiss your local travel agent. They might just find you the very best deal going.